2018-08-03, 11:08
Historien har fårmåga att upprepas. Under IT-bubblan var det många företag som omprofilerade sig mot IT och fick aktiekursen att dra iväg. Nu ser det ut att vara dags igen. Den här gången tycks frälsningsordet vara "Blockchain".
Stock for the New York beverage company Long Island Iced Tea Company jumped by nearly 300% after it announced it was changing its name to the the "Long Blockchain Company" last December.
(www.businessinsider.com - long-blockchain-company)
Stock for the New York beverage company Long Island Iced Tea Company jumped by nearly 300% after it announced it was changing its name to the the "Long Blockchain Company" last December.
(www.businessinsider.com - long-blockchain-company)